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Dashboard Filters

Easily track and analyze activity with customizable filters

Updated over 6 months ago

The dashboard serves as both an analytics hub and a recent activity tracker, showcasing orders and quotes that have been created. To make data analysis easier and more efficient, filters are available to help you narrow down and organise the information according to your needs.

There are three primary filters located at the top of the page that can help you sort and view data:

  • All Customers:

    Clicking this filter opens a sidebar on the right displaying the entire customer list. You can filter the data based on a specific customer's name. Once selected, the analytics section will update to show only that customer’s data, and the recent activity section will display only that customer’s orders and quotes. By default, the filter is set to 'All Customers.'

  • Last 30 Days:

    This is a time-based filter. Clicking it allows you to select a timeframe from a dropdown menu, whether you want to view data from the last few days or for all time. By default, the filter is set to 'Last 30 Days.'

  • All Sales Reps:

    This filter enables you to sort data by sales representative. You can easily track performance by selecting a specific sales rep and choosing a timeframe to view their results over a particular period.

In addition to these primary filters, the recent activity table offers individual filters for each column. Each column includes its own search bar and filter options, allowing for more granular data filtering.

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